Re: My pleasure.

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[喜] 1095. Re: My pleasure.

お名前: ドラちゃん
投稿日: 2008/1/19(21:03)


Hi, Hamako.

Now I feel I'm totally covered with both gratefulness and
content deeply for getting known each other.

With no doubt, this article is your love, I definitely think.
Your love for the whole world, that's what we have been
talking about.

It's just only whole a month since we started chatting
first time, isn't it ?
But it's also long enough a month, with full of fun, joy,
relief, sparkles and excitements.

And now, you've got willing to challenge the next stage of
your life. I'm very pleased to hear that !!!

Hamako-san, Daisuki, Gyuuuuu....

By the way I've been aware of some of your changing from inside
yourself at the moment I saw you came back to this chatting board,
because I had heard you were going to try to get new job that
you can somehow use your English ability, this year.

I assumed that your re-appearance on this board had to be a
fraction of that the excitements from your challengership is now
unconstrainably blowing inside yourself.

I'm not sure if I would have good picture.

But I've grasped this picture right at that instant, then I decided
that we would be able to chat anything like as we've talked in
Japanese, even though it might be so much complicated things
as same as we usually talk. At least I should do.

〉I awoke from a good rest.
〉The "rest" means that I've been really enjoyed my new life.
〉I got a new family.
〉We have had two boys. And this time was a girl.
〉She is a very very cute!
〉And you know each time you got a dear love,
〉you will become more and more mature.
〉I've had a variety of experiences.

〉So, I was not interested in English than I used to be.
〉Of course I'm not tired of English.
〉I've enjoyed with it whenever I touched it.
〉It's just because of changing my environment.

YEAH !!!!

I've always believed in both of the higher-power inside every
human beings and the self-healing-power for oneselves,
especially for you !!

〉But recently, there are changing within me again.
〉I realized that last Sunday.
〉At first, I was aware of a faint feeling of something
〉when I was starting to read a book,
〉which called "脳を活かす勉強法" by 茂木健一郎,
〉in the bathtub.

〉I got a sparkle in my head.
〉And I thought, "I know this sense!"

〉I read the book little by little when I got some spare time to read it.
〉My first impression was getting stronger.

〉"I'd got these sense every day since I started the extensive listening and reading!
〉I forgot it because I've been very busy with happy life
〉after I got my daughter.
〉Of course raising kids are a fantastic and artistic work.
〉But therefore I forgot these sparkles!"

〉This is the most important my method.
〉Always there were linking that raising my kids and studying my English.
〉Now I feel I have more matured because I added another jewel (my kid).
〉So I guess my English become more mature, too.

I think human being is not quite simple.
Everyone must have various side of aspects.

If you would have memorized the joy of the creation for
something into your brain, you could not satisfy without
it whole of the rest of your life.

〉May be you know when you were in a creative mode.
〉You can see, not only feel something but you actually see well
〉various things with your mental eyes.
〉Also you surely understood you can receive whatever you want,
〉it would have been drifting or floating around you and
〉when you called it, it comes for you.


〉If you had a question, you got the answer while you've done
〉an another thing or you read a book or KEIJIBAN,
〉it'd told about a different topic which you had hold the question.
〉But you suddenly realized and got the answer or more.

Exactly !

I think the most important thing is that you keep hanging these
questions on around your mind and leave the questions as it is.
But it's seemed to me that most of the people can barely endure
the situations of that any questions have been left in their mind.
Such kind of people seems to try to get rid of these kind of
unsolved questions from their mind, instead of leaving them.

〉In your head, there were sparkles here and there.
〉You just let these sparkles go on and you could get many new
〉information that lead you to your next stage.
〉And you got these opportunity a dozen times,
〉it seems to extraordinary times.
〉You can discover the new things to you every day.

It must be incredibly amazing experience but unfortunately, major
portion of the people seemes to abandon relishing any part of it.

〉It is a very very very thrilling and exciting!
〉And you'd felt if you had been in a dark room and suddenly
〉you came out to under the bright sun with clear sky.

Yeah !
In my words, like coming out from an enormous, huge tunnel.

# This difference of expression between you and me
# might clearly indicate the difference of temper or
# character or something, maybe.... I don't know.

〉There were waving after flooding of ideas and power and
〉it comes from deep inside you.
〉And you'd felt if you could soar up into the sky
〉and you could go to the end of the world and there would be no end.

I can understand what you say !

Exactly, there is no end, no end of the world,no end of learning,
no end of joy and no end of sorrow...

〉Also you certainly felt the linking with everyone and everything.
〉It's a quite comfortable feeling.

Here comes your life-span-theme, the link. The link all around
between you and everyone and everything.

Perhaps you don't know, I've always believed there are so much
links all around myself.
But talking frankly, some of them seemed to be unpreferable
for me to keep it connected.

And life's bitterness, the link that I eagerly wanted to treat
like a treasure, would barely last long enough.

〉These all things are for me now again.

I'm truly grad as it happens for myself !!

〉I think I've got a good rest since I had a baby in my body.
〉I could take a shower of a great love through myself.
〉That are my husband, my kids , my family, my friends,
〉and may be unaware people,
〉and of course it came from nature, too.


〉And sure, definitely, you, Dora. (and you!)
〉Dora, there is no doubt. It's you.
〉You are one of a person who called me.
〉And I called a person and it was you.
〉Thank you, thank you Dora!

Thank you so much !!!
I can't express my feeling with any of my words !!!!

Exacly, you have been calling someone and I've found it out
accidentally. I wonder if there were some kind of fate.
And I'm truly pleased that now I know I could have responded
your calling !!

You know, at first, there was a doubt in my mind whether I
would be able to keep contact with you in the way like that
we were continuously talking just frankly.
But I had relieved by knowing the fact that this was also
necessary thing for you.

And now I'm in full of content. And I feel like I'm being
cuddled by your enormous love.

〉Now, the time comes.
〉I move to the next stage.
〉I can progress more and more.

From now on, I would be pleased if I could keep in touch with you
as same as up to now, if you can.

〉〉Could you give me some of your recommendation for learning
〉〉Mother Goose's rhyme, songs and stories when you have enough
〉〉time ?

〉OK. It's my pleasure.
〉Please wait for a while.
〉I've been very busy...

I truly thank you for writing this important article although
you are very busy.

My request is not in a hurry.
I would pleasingly wait whenever you would be available...

See you.


Saying honestly, I've read yesterday's version of your article.
Actually, yesterday morning I've saved your yesterday's text in
my PC in order to reply you as soon as possible.

Now I have no intent to offend you but I think yesterday's might
be better.

It's more belief and it seems to be able to be felt full of your
joy and your affection more directly.

Was it just something like right after finished writing, and/or
written at a dash from starting to ending ?

It is often said in musical world that the first thing is right
thing, full of intuition or emotion or somethings.
So if anyone would like to make some minor modification into
a first thing, one must deeply consider because it usually
includes difficult problems.

Perhaps, I might not have to say this kind of thing although I
would have realized the reason why you inserted supplemental
explanation was for me, especially.

It might also be unnecessary suggestion, maybe.
Just for your information.




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