Re: this time about my son

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[楽] 1045. Re: this time about my son

お名前: はまこ
投稿日: 2007/12/8(09:01)


Hi, emmie.

〉you were right!
〉we've already talked about pooh's personality test.
〉(yes, i envy you and Sakai-sensei. you are both pooh-san...good...)
〉anyway, i can't remember even what i ate yesterday,
〉so it's quite natural that there is no space left for me to remember
〉who i said hello or what i talked about.

Aha. Me, too(^^)

〉i've been reading all your stories,

Wow, thank you.

〉but I'm so messed up.
〉i can't tell how many children you have or who suffered from flu...
〉you have so many stories about your children,
〉so it seems as if you have ten children or even more!

Aha. You know I have three children and my dearest husband.(*^^*)
Actually, I want to write a little thing what happened around me everyday.
I think it's better to have a blog than write on this site?

〉all are going well now, right?

Yeah, thank you. They all OK.
Well, my younger son cut his mouth and bleeding on Sunday
and hit his right eye and made lumps on upper and lower lids on Wednesday.
It's usually events(^^)

〉now i'm going to write about what happened about my son.

You're welcome!

〉there was a meeting, KOJIN MENDAN, with my son's teacher two days ago.

I had it, too.

〉he is a third grader.
〉up to now, all meetings were quite interesting ones,
〉because nothing serious happened.
〉but, this didn't go easy.


〉TEACHER (with very serious face) : did you hear something about the thing
〉which happened the other day from your son?
〉I : son usually doesn't speak a lot.
〉T : oh...the other day, your son kicked his friend's leg on the way school,
〉and the friend went back home
〉and went to grandma's home without saying anything,
〉and he didn't come school!

I see how you were upset.
If your child got a bully, it could wrench you.
But maybe it's worse if your child become a bully.
I really think your son is OK!

〉when i get back home after this meeting, i was terribly worried.
〉if my son turned into a violent person.
〉oh, what shall i do.

〉i begged my friend who used to be a teacher some advice,
〉and her good advice helped me to calm down.

That's good to you.

〉now i think,
〉what my son did is bad, so i said to my son,
〉whatever happens to you, don't hit or kick!

Fumu, fumu.

〉what his friend did after being kicked is something i can do nothing.
〉to tell the truth, i can't understand why he needed to go back home
〉simply because he was kicked.
〉(this kicking was not a hard one, i guess, because it didn't leave any bruises on his leg.)

It is difficult for child to explain what is your feelings to others.

〉it really is difficult to bring up a boy, isn't it?

I agree with you.

〉by the way,
〉i think writing in english is not so hard because
〉i don't need to be afraid that my sentences are poor.
〉english is not my first language〜

My writing ability is so poor.
But who cares it on this board?(^^)

See you!



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