A many warm words

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[喜] 1032. A many warm words

お名前: はまこ
投稿日: 2007/11/30(09:50)


Thank you for your warm words, everyone.

We are lucky family because all of you.

This time, my younger son gave his little sister some worry, too.
There was an another story, I forgot write.

When he got an influenza, I picked him up and back to our house.
Luckily, there was an another hospital. It's within two minutes walk from our house.
(The first hospital is 整形外科。 And this is 内科)
But he couldn't walk by himself.

So I asked a neighbor to look at my daughter in her house.
(She is an another neighbor. That day I asked to look at my elder son.
My neighbors are kind persons.)

I put my younger son on a bicycle and went to 内科。
When we went into a pharmacy to buy some medicine, we met his 耳鼻咽喉科's doctor.(His hospital is next to 整形外科)
My younger son's nose and ears have a bad condition.
He has regular visit to 耳鼻咽喉科 since little baby.
We had a little chat.
We back to home and I lay him and he fell to fast asleep.

I harried back to the neighbor's.
She said, "your daughter didn't cry. Not said a word. When she came in our house, she did 正座 in the corner, she didn't move but she were shaking a little. I called her. My daughter called her (she's one year old, too).
But she were very still.

Naturally, my daughter has an open mind.
She gave a sweet smile for almost everyone.
And she throw her arms for 抱っこwhen she met neighbors.
The neighbor know that. So she really worry about my daughter.

I heard all of it, I felt tears came to my eyes.
She knows something is going wrong.
But she tried to don't cry, in her tiny heart.
I hugged her...

After, I played with my daughter at near our house.
I heard some ドタバタ noises from our house.
I took a look. There was my younger son.
He was howling because he called me but no reply from his mom.
I watched his face. Well, he is OK. He has running tears and nose, but OK.

I and my daughter got into house.
My daughter looked into her brother's tears face.
Then she was beating his face with happily smile.

My younger son laughing, too.
He often laughing, sometime I wonder 何がそんなに面白いん?
(He is a little bit shy, too.)
My children are laughing a lot everyday.
There, this is an usual.
Everything is OK.

It was a story before I got an influenza. Aha.


〉Hi, Hamako,

〉What a relief!

〉But you certainly got me worried there, Hama-chan.

Thank you, Kuni-chan.(^.^)

〉Give a hug for me to all your family!


I passed your heartful hug to my family.
Thanks a lot and I want to pass you lots of love from theirs.

〉Hi, はまこsan.
〉this is emmie. (i can't say this is first time to say hi to you or not...)

Hi, emmie.
Can I call you emmie?
Please call me just "Hamako."
And maybe this is the first time we meet...
I know you for a long time.

〉i felt so relieved after reading the whole story.
〉i believe you should have something really good this Christmas.
〉take care!

Thank you for your kindness.
I think yokatta, yokatta, too, really.

Then, I can't believe here is Christmas time!
I already prepared for some Christmas decoration.
But it is rather warm for Christmas time, isn't it?
Anyway, I wish your happy Christmas, too.

Thank you again, emmie.

〉Hi! hamako-san
〉This is kai.

Hi, kai.
What a joy!
This is the first time we meet here, right?
(Please call me just "Hamako".)

〉You had very hard day.
〉I think,You and your family had so painful time.

〉It's over.
〉Maybe, I should say "almost" .
〉Your younger son catch the cold.

Thanks a lot.
He is OK now.
It was just one day sickness(^^)

〉Next month is december.
〉I hope your sons avoid sickness.

Thank you and I hope you do, too.

〉They should save themselves.
〉If they success this project,they has very wonderful time!
〉When I was kid,I couldn't wait December's events.

Yeah, this is the exciting time!
I wish your happy Christmas.


〉はまこさん こんにちは






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