Re: 皆様、レスをありがとうございました!

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256. Re: 皆様、レスをありがとうございました!

お名前: emmie
投稿日: 2003/2/24(13:23)



〉Dear friends,


〉Do you remember the funny, short-sighted pirate from 'Pirate Adventure'? Well, a man who looks just like him lives somewhere in my part of North London. I sometimes see him when he takes his short-sighted dog for a walk. How do I know the dog is short-sighted? It's simple. If there is a sign which says: Dogs must be on a leash, the dog is always running free. If there is a sign which says: Dogs must not foul the footpath, what do you think I see the dog do? Obviously, this dog can't see the notices any clearer than his short-sighted master. He even looks at the ground really closely as he walks along; it almost looks as if he is sniffing the pavement. So once I got fed up, and I went up to the man and said, "Excuse me, but I believe your dog has bad eyesight- don't you think you should get him fixed up with a pair of glasses?"

Well,the man wasn't very friendly, and he muttered something about minding my own business, but the dog looked friendly and I knew that if I could get him to wear a pair of specs, everything would be fine.

So I went to my local junk shop, where they have a box of old spectacles, and I bought a pair which I thought would suit the dog. Next day in the park, I waited for the dog, and when his short-sighted master was a few yards away, and couldn't see me clearly, I put the glasses on the dog.

What happened next, you must be wondering? Well, for a while the dog was running quite happily in circles, but then he crashed into a chicken-wire fence and disappeared in some bushes. When he came out again, the glasses were gone.

I realized that the lenses in them were not the correct strength for his eyes, and so I would have to keep buying him new pairs of glasses from the junk shop until a pair suited him. So I have been doing this for some time now, in the hope that one day I will pick the right glasses, the dog will see clearly, and won't crash into things or shake his head like he always does and lose the specs in the bushes. Anyway, in the meantime, I keep finding the glasses the dog has lost in the park, the streets and the gardens, and I am saving them in case I find another dog who needs spectacles.

And that is why I draw the specs in my pictures.

Best wishes to you all!
Alex Brychata




読み聞かせにかんする『The Read-Aloud handbook』by Jim Treleaseという本も今よんでます。
これは、How to っぽいので、読みやすいです。

Happy Family Reading!!



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