SSS●Word count | ![]() |
最新のYL一覧はこちら(The Latest YL & Wordcount Table)
1 SSSでは、タドキストの有志の協力、日本多読学会との協力、いろいろな図書のYL(読みやすさレベル)を定めています。
2 実際に読書する個人の読みやすさは、人それぞれのバックグラウンドによってそれぞれ異なります。
3 一方、児童書中心に読んでいる人の場合、高いレベルの児童書も比較的苦労なく読めてしまうこともよくあります。
4 標準的には、GRは理解度70−80%で読む場合、児童書は、理解度60−70%で読む場合を想定してYLを設定しています。
5 YLの大半は、これらの基本図書を基準に、「よりやさしいか?」、「大体同じか?」、「より難しいか?」を皆さんに書評システムで
(2007/06/21 文責 古川昭夫)
(2007/07/07 赤字部分修正)
2007年度版 主要Graded Readers YL表 | 07-July-07 現在 | ||
SSS YL | Abbr.(Head Words Level )・series title・level | Total Words | Comment |
YL 0.6 | FRL1(75) Foundations Reading Library Level 1 | 500-620 | |
YL 0.7 | FRL2(100) Foundations Reading Library Level 2 | 640-760 | |
YL 0.8 | MMR1(300) Macmillan Readers Starter | 500-600 | |
YL 0.8 | MNW1(300) Macmillan New Wave Readers Level 1 | 600-800 | |
YL 0.8 | FRL3(150) Foundations Reading Library Level 3 | 680-900 | |
YL 0.8-0.9 | OBW0(250) Oxford Bookworms Starters | 700-1500 | Comics are YL0.8. |
YL 0.8-0.9 | PGR0(200) Penguin Readers Easystarts | 900-1000 | |
YL 0.9-1.0 | FRL4(200) Foundations Reading Library Level 4 | 1270-1710 | |
YL 1.0-1.1 | FRL5(250) Foundations Reading Library Level 5 | 1120-1710 | |
YL 1.1-1.2 | FRL6(300) Foundations Reading Library Level 6 | 1100-2500 | |
YL 1.2-1.4 | CER0(250) Cambridge English Readers Starter | 1900-2100 | |
YL 1.2-1.4 | MNW2(600) Macmillan New Wave Readers Level 2 | 1000-1100 | |
YL 1.2-1.4 | FRL7(350) Foundations Reading Library Level 7 | 1100-2500 | |
YL 1.2-1.4 | PGR1(300) Penguin Readers Level 1 | 1300-4400 | YL depends on length. |
YL 1.2-1.4 | MMR2(600) Macmillan Readers Beginner | 2000-3000 | (Original ) |
YL 1.4-1.6 | CER1(400) Cambridge English Readers Level 1 | 3400-4800 | |
YL 1.6-1.8 | MMR2+(600) Macmillan Readers Beginner | 5400-12000 | (Classics) |
YL 1.8-2.0 | OFF1(400) Oxford Factfiles Stage 1 | 3000-3400 | |
YL 2.0-2.2 | OBW1(400) Oxford Bookworms Stage 1 | 4800-7300 | |
YL 2.2-2.6 | PGR2(600) Penguin Readers Level 2 | 3500-11000 | |
YL 2.4-2.6 | MNW3(1100) Macmillan New Wave Readers Level 3 | 2000-2200 | |
YL 2.6-2.8 | OFF2(700) Oxford Factfiles Stage 2 | 3600-4200 | |
YL 2.6-2.8 | OBW2(700) Oxford Bookworms Stage 2 | 5400-8500 | |
YL 2.6-2.8 | CER2(800) Cambridge English Readers Level 2 | 8200-10000 | |
YL 3.0-3.2 | MNW4(1600) Macmillan New Wave Readers Level 4 | 3000 | |
YL 3.0-3.2 | MMR3(1100) Macmillan Readers Elementary | 7600-13000 | |
YL 3.2-3.4 | OFF3(1000) Oxford Factfiles Stage 3 | 5600-6300 | |
YL 3.2-3.4 | OBW3(1000) Oxford Bookworms Stage 3 | 7800-11000 | |
YL 3.2-3.8 | PGR3(1200) Penguin Readers Level 3 | 5600-21000 | |
YL 3.4-3.6 | MMR4(1400) Macmillan Readers Pre-intermediate | 8000-20000 | 2007/07/07修正 |
YL 3.4-3.6 | MNW5(2200) Macmillan New Wave Readers Level 5 | 6000 | |
YL 3.6-3.8 | CER3(1300) Cambridge English Readers Level 3 | 13000-16000 | |
YL 3.6-4.0 | MMR5(1600) Macmillan Readers Intermediate | 8600-23000 | |
YL 3.8-4.2 | OBW4(1400) Oxford Bookworms Stage 4 | 14000-22000 | |
YL 3.8-4.2 | OFF4(1400) Oxford Factfiles Stage 4 | 8800-9000 | |
YL 4.0-5.0 | PGR4(1700) Penguin Readers Level 4 | 12000-42000 | |
YL 4.5-5.0 | MMR6(2200) Macmillan Readers Upper | 15000-25000 | |
YL 4.5-5.0 | CER4(1900) Cambridge English Readers Level 4 | 17000-2000 | |
YL 4.5-5.0 | OBW5(1800) Oxford Bookworms Stage 5 | 18000-24000 | |
YL 5.0-6.0 | PGR5(2300) Penguin Readers Level 5 | 14000-46000 | |
YL 5.5-6.0 | CER5(2800) Cambridge English Readers Level 5 | 19000-26000 | |
YL 5.5-6.0 | OBW6(2500) Oxford Bookworms Stage 6 | 21000-31000 | |
YL 6.0-6.5 | CER6(3800) Cambridge English Readers Level 6 | 26000-34000 | |
YL 6.0-7.0 | PGR6(3000) Penguin Readers Level 6 | 22000-34000 |
2007年度版 YL Table for Children's Readers and Paperbacks | 21-Jun-07 | ||
SSSYL | Abbr.(Head Words Level )・series title・level | Total Words | Comment |
YL0.0 | LLL0 Longman Literacy Land Story Street Foundation Step | 0 | 文字なし |
YL0.0 | ORT1 Oxford Reading Tree Stage 1 | 0-20 | 文字のあるものはYL 0.1 |
YL0.1 | LLL1 Longman Literacy Land Story Street Step 1 | 15-30 | |
YL0.1-0.2 | ORT1+ Oxford Reading Tree Stage 1+ | 30-40 | Phonicsのシリーズは YL0.2 |
YL0.1-0.3 | SCR1 Scholastic Readers Level 1 | 30-350 | |
YL0.2 | ORT2 Oxford Reading Tree Stage 2 | 20-70 | |
YL0.2 | LLL2 Longman Literacy Land Story Street Step 2 | 30-70 | |
YL0.2 | SWR Sight Word Readers | 20-50 | 本25冊+CDセット |
YL0.2 | CSB1 Cambridge Storybooks Level 1 | 25-50 | |
YL0.2-0.3 | LSR Longman Shared Reading | 50-100 | |
YL0.2-0.3 | SIR1 Step into Reading Step 1 | 50-150 | 旧Early,Super Early |
YL0.2-0.4 | CPF1 Clifford Phonics Fun Pack1 | 26-113 | |
YL0.3 | ORT3 Oxford Reading Tree Stage 3 | 70-80 | 大人はここから |
YL0.3 | LLL3 Longman Literacy Land Story Street Step 3 | 60-110 | |
YL0.3 | AAR0 All Aboard Rading Picture Books | 150-200 | |
YL0.3 | ICR0 My First I Can Read Books | 80-130 | |
YL0.3 | RTR0 Ready-to-Read Pre-Level1 | 30-100 | |
YL0.3-0.4 | CTP1 Creative Teaching Press Level1 | 20-100 | |
YL0.3-0.5 | PYR1 Penguin Young Readers Level 1 | 80-300 | (300語レベル) |
YL0.3-0.5 | 100English | 50 | |
YL0.3-0.6 | PER1 Puffin Easy-to-Read Level 1 | 80-450 | |
YL0.4 | ORT4 Oxford Reading Tree Stage 4 | 100-200 | |
YL0.4 | LLL4 Longman Literacy Land Story Street Step 4 | 150-200 | |
YL0.4 | AWBL Addison Wesley Big & Little Books | 150-400 | |
YL0.4 | OCT1 Oxford Classic Tales Beginner 1 | 400 | (100語レベル) |
YL0.4-0.5 | CSB2 Cambridge Storybooks Level 2 | 80-240 | |
YL0.4-0.6 | SCR2 Scholastic Readers Level 2 | 250-500 | 旧Hello Reader! Level 2 |
YL0.4-0.6 | SIR2 Step into Reading Step 2 | 250-350 | 旧Step 1 |
YL0.4-0.6 | CTP2 Creative Teaching Press Level2 | 80-250 | |
YL0.4-0.6 | RTR1 Ready-to-Read Level1 | 100-700 | |
YL0.4-0.8 | AAR1 All Aboard Rading Level 1 | 100-700 | |
YL0.4-0.8 | ICR1 I Can Read Books Level 1 | 100-900 | |
YL0.5 | ORT5 Oxford Reading Tree Stage 5 | 300-350 | |
YL0.5-0.6 | CSB3 Cambridge Storybooks Level 3 | 80-240 | |
YL0.5-0.7 | Curious George (Short Stories) | 340-700 | |
YL0.5-1.0 | TDR Time to Discover Readers | 120-200 | |
YL0.6 | ORT6 Oxford Reading Tree Stage 6 | 450-700 | |
YL0.6 | LLL5 Longman Literacy Land Story Street Step 5 | 270-350 | |
YL0.6 | DKR1 DK Readers Level 1 | 600-700 | |
YL0.6-1.0 | RTR2 Ready-to-Read Level2 | 600-800 | |
YL0.7 | ORT7 Oxford Reading Tree Stage 7 | 900-1000 | |
YL0.7 | LLL6 Longman Literacy Land Story Street Step 6 | 460-600 | |
YL0.7-1.0 | PYR2 Penguin Young Readers Level 2 | 250-500 | (700語レベル) |
YL0.8 | OCT2 Oxford Classic Tales Beginner 2 | 800-1000 | (150語レベル) |
YL0.8 | PGR0(200) Penguin Readers Easystarts | 1000 | 字が小さいのが 気になる人にはYL1.0 |
YL0.8-1.2 | AAR2 All Aboard Reading Level 2 | 500-1500 | |
YL0.8-1.2 | PER2 Puffin Easy-to-Read Level 2 | 500-1500 | |
YL0.8-1.2 | Gaspard and Lisa | 300-400 | リサとガスパール |
YL0.9 | ORT8 Oxford Reading Tree Stage 8 | 900-1200 | |
YL0.9 | DKR2 DK Readers Level 2 | 800-1000 | |
YL0.9-1.4 | SIR3 Step into Reading Step 3 | 500-1500 | 旧Step 2 |
YL1.0 | LLL7 Longman Literacy Land Story Street Step 7 | 600-750 | |
YL1.0 | ORT9 Oxford Reading Tree Stage 9 | 1200-1500 | |
YL1.0-1.4 | PGR1(300) Penguin Readers level 1 | 1300-4400 | |
YL1.0-1.4 | BRR Big Red Reader (Clifford) | 300-600 | Cliffordが主人公の読み物 |
YL1.0-1.4 | Poppleton | 700-850 | |
YL1.0-1.6 | Curious George (Originals) | 1300-2500 | |
YL1.2-1.6 | PYR3 Penguin Young Reader Level 3 | 700-1400 | (1000語レベル) |
YL1.2-1.6 | ICR2 I Can Read Books Level 2 | 1500-2000 | |
YL1.2-1.6 | Mr.Putter & Tabby | 600-900 | Mr.Putterと猫Tabbyの 心温まるおはなし |
YL1.2-1.6 | Ricky Ricotta Might Robot | 2000 | |
YL1.2-1.6 | LLL8 Longman Literacy Land Story Street Step 8 | 750-900 | |
YL1.2-1.6 | LLL9 Longman Literacy Land Story Street Step 9 | 900-1100 | |
YL1.4-1.6 | SCR3 Scholastic Readers Level 3 | 1200-2100 | 旧Hello Reader! Level 3 |
YL1.4-1.8 | RTR3 Ready-to-Read Level3 | 1000-2800 | |
YL1.4-1.8 | Nate the Great | 1600-2000 | 『ぼくはめいたんてい』 |
YL1.4-1.8 | Usborne Young Reading Level 1 | 1600-2000 | |
YL1.4-2.0 | SIR4 Step into Reading Step 4 | 1300-3000 | 旧Step 3 |
YL1.6-2.0 | AAR3 All Aboard Reading Level 3 | 1500-5000 | |
YL1.6-2.0 | ICR3 I Can Read Books Level 3 | 1600-2100 | |
YL1.6-2.0 | Usborne Young Reading Level 2 | 1600-2600 | |
YL1.6-2.0 | PER3 Puffin Easy-to-Read Level 3 | 1000-3000 | |
YL1.6-2.0 | LLL10 Longman Literacy Land Story Street Step 10 | 1300-1700 | |
YL1.8-2.0 | DKR3 DK Readers Level 3 | 2000-2500 | |
YL1.8-2.0 | PYR4 Penguin Young Reader Level 4 | 2000-3000 | (1400語レベル) |
YL1.8-2.2 | ICR4 I Can Read Books Level 4 | 1800-3000 | |
YL2.0-2.5 | SCR4 Scholastic Readers Level 4 | 2200-5800 | 旧Hello Reader! Level 4 |
YL2.0-2.5 | SIR5 Step into Reading Step 5 | 3000-4800 | 旧Step 4 |
YL2.0-2.5 | DKR4 DK Readers Level 4 | 3000-4800 | |
YL2.0-2.5 | The Enormous Crocodile | 3000 | Roald Dahl |
YL2.0-2.5 | The Rainbow Magic | 4000-5000 | |
YL2.0-2.5 | Franny K. Stein | 4000-5000 | ほぼ全ページにイラスト |
YL2.0-3.0 | LLL11,12 Longman Literacy Land Story Street Step 11,12 | 2300-5200 | |
YL2.0-3.0 | Cobble Street Cousins | 3000-4000 | Cynthia Rylant |
YL2.0-3.0 | Flat Stanley | 4000-7000 | 『ぺちゃんこスタンレー』 |
YL2.2-2.6 | PGR2(600) Penguin Readers level 2 | 3500-11000 | |
YL2.2-3.2 | My Weird School | 5000-6000 | |
YL2.5-3.0 | Marvin Redpost | 4600-8000 | Louis Sachar |
YL2.5-3.5 | Horrid Henry | 5000-7000 | 悪ガキの兄と優等生の弟 |
YL2.5-3.5 | Jake Drake | 8000-13000 | Marvin Redpostと似た味わい |
YL2.5-3.5 | Julian Stories | 6000-12000 | Julian・Huey兄弟と父親の日常 |
YL2.5-3.5 | Lizzie Zipmouth | 7000 | Jacqueline Wilson |
YL2.5-3.5 | Lotta on Troublemaker Street | 5200 | ロッタちゃん |
YL2.5-3.5 | Magic Tree House | 4700-6000 | パターンをつかむと楽 |
YL2.8-3.8 | My Father's Dragon | 6800-7400 | 『エルマーのぼうけん』シリーズ |
YL2.8-4.5 | Captain Underpants | 5000-7000 | 全ページにイラスト有り |
YL3.0-3.5 | A to Z Mysteries | 8000-9000 | 小学生探偵もの |
YL3.0-4.0 | Catwings | 3000-5000 | 『空飛び猫』Le Guin |
YL3.0-4.0 | Esio Trot | 4200 | Roald Dahl |
YL3.0-4.0 | Fantastic Mr. Fox | 9100 | Roald Dahl |
YL3.0-4.0 | Geronimo Stilton | 9000-12000 | コメディ |
YL3.0-4.0 | Judy Moody | 9000-12000 | Coolな小学生Judy |
YL3.0-4.0 | Nancy Drew Notebooks | 9000-10000 | 小学生探偵もの |
YL3.0-4.0 | Sarah, Plain and Tall | 8300 | 『のっぽのサラ』シリーズ |
YL3.0-4.0 | Sleepovers | 14000 | Jacqueline Wilson |
YL3.0-4.0 | Stone Fox | 8900 | 犬ぞりレースに挑む男の子 |
YL3.0-4.0 | The Cat Mummy | 9000 | Jacqueline Wilson |
YL3.0-4.0 | The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me | 6800 | Roald Dahl |
YL3.0-4.0 | The Magic Finger | 3600 | Roald Dahl |
YL3.0-4.0 | The Secrets of Droon | 7000-10000 | ナルニア系ファンタジー |
YL3.0-4.0 | The Zack Files | 7500-12000 | 毎回不思議な出来事が起こる |
YL3.2-3.8 | PGR3(1200) Penguin Readers level 3 | 5600-21000 | |
YL3.5-4.5 | Frindle | 16000 | 『フリンドル』 |
YL3.5-4.5 | Goosebumps | 20000 | 小学生向けホラーシリーズ |
YL3.5-4.5 | Little House in the Big Woods | 33000 | 『大きな森の小さな家』 |
YL3.5-4.5 | Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing | 23000 | Fudgeシリーズ |
YL4.0-5.0 | PGR4(1700) Penguin Readers level 4 | 12000-42000 | |
YL4.0-5.0 | Beezus and Ramona | 22000 | 『ビーザスといたずらラモーナ』 |
YL4.5-5.5 | Dog's Don't Tell Jokes | 32000 | Louis Sachar |
YL4.5-5.5 | Jonny's in the Basement | 25000 | Louis Sachar |
YL4.5-5.5 | Sideways Stories from Wayside School | 20000 | Louis Sachar |
YL4.5-5.5 | Sixth Grade Secrets | 35000 | Louis Sachar |
YL4.5-5.5 | Someday Angeline | 28000 | Louis Sachar |
YL4.5-5.5 | There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom | 35000 | Louis Sachar |
YL4.5-5.5 | Anastasia krupnik | 21000 | Lowis Lowry |
YL4.5-5.5 | A Series of Unfortunate Events | 25000-40000 | 『世にも不幸なできごと』 |
YL4.5-5.5 | Number the Stars | 26000 | Lowis Lowry |
YL4.5-5.5 | Charlie and the Chocolate Factory | 30000 | Roald Dahl |
YL4.5-5.5 | George's Marvelous Medicine | 12000 | Roald Dahl |
YL4.5-5.5 | James and the Giant Peach | 28000 | Roald Dahl |
YL5.0-6.0 | PGR5(2300) Penguin Readers level 5 | 14000-46000 | |
YL5.0-6.0 | Animorphs | 30000 | 動物に変身して宇宙人と戦う |
YL5.0-6.0 | Darren Shan | 40000 | 『ダレン・シャン』 |
YL5.0-6.0 | Deltora Quest | 25000-30000 | 『デルトラ・クエスト』 |
YL5.0-6.0 | Rowan of Rin | 30000-40000 | 『リンの谷のローワン』 |
YL5.0-6.0 | The Boy Who Lost His Face | 39000 | Louis Sachar |
YL5.0-6.0 | Bad Girls | 31000 | Jacqueline Wilson |
YL5.0-6.0 | Double Act | 34000 | Jacqueline Wilson |
YL5.0-6.0 | The Suitcase Kid | 29000 | Jacqueline Wilson |
YL5.0-6.0 | Matilda | 40000 | Roald Dahl |
YL5.0-6.0 | The Witches | 37000 | Roald Dahl |
YL5.5-6.5 | Holes | 47000 | Louis Sachar |
YL5.5-6.5 | Dustbin Baby | 38000 | Jacqueline Wilson |
YL5.5-6.5 | Girls in Love | 33000 | Jacqueline Wilson |
YL6.0-7.0 | The Illustrated Mum | 71000 | Jacqueline Wilson |
YL6.0-7.0 | PGR6(3000) Penguin Readers level 6 | 22000-34000 | |
YL6.0-7.0 | The Sky is Falling | 100000 | Sidney Sheldon |
YL6.0-7.5 | Harry Potter | 76000-260000 | 巻が進むほど、難しめになる |
YL7.0-8.0 | The Firm | 148000 | 『法律事務所』 |
YL7.0-8.0 | Da Vinch Code | 138000 | 『ダ・ヴィンチ・コード』 |
YL7.0-8.0 | A Wizard of Earthsea | 61000 | 『ゲド戦記』 |
YL8.0-9.0 | The Silence of the Lamb | 114000 | 『羊たちの沈黙』 |
YL8.0-9.0 | Postmortem | 101000 | 『検屍官』 |
YL8.0-9.0 | Howl's Moving Castle | 75000 | 『ハウルの動く城』 |
YL8.0-9.0 | The Fellowship of the Ring(The Lord of the Rings) | 195000 | 『指輪物語・旅の仲間』 |
▲SSSトップページへ ▲SSSサイトマップへ ▲SSSお薦め洋書ガイドへ |