Akio Furukawa
March 22, 2014
Factors like illustrations, the backgrounds of the books, the size of fonts and different
text styles will affect the reading level of the books.
“The Complete Book Guide For Extensive Reading” (“Eigo Tadoku Kanzen Book Guide (In Japanese)” written by Furukawa, Kanda
et al. and published by Cosmopier Publisher in 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011 and
2013 indicates the YLs, which are renewed every two years after getting
feedback from English teachers and learners.
More than 13,000 books including graded readers from major publishers, are divided into 100 levels from 0.0 to 9.9.
The following are some examples of YLs.
YL 0.0: Readable without knowledge of the English language.
YL 1.0: Readable by learners with more than 80 hours of English study.
YL 3.0: Children’s books of about 10,000 words in length.
YL 7.0: Paperbacks (novels) for adults.
YL 8.0: More difficult paperbacks
In the SSS (Start with Simple Stories) Extensive Reading Method, we suggest that you start reading from the easiest picture books and gradually move to higher levels. Extensive reading should be done step by step. Often at Japanese schools, students read very high level reading materials for TOEFL, TOEIC or entrance examinations for universities. However it does not mean that the students can read the books at that level fluently. Without being exposed to a large amount of reading, students will not be able to use the language fluently.
The amounts of reading we recommend are as follows:
Up to 100,000 words:
YL 0.0-0.9 20,000 words
YL 1.0-1.9 80,000 words
From 100,000 words to 300,000 words:
YL 0.0-0.9 10,000 words
YL 1.0-1.9 140,000 words
YL 2.0-2.9 150,000 words
From 300,000 words to 1,000,000 words:
YL 0.0-0.9 10,000 words
YL 1.0-1.9 90,000 words
YL 2.0-2.9 500,000 word
YL 3.0-3.9 100,000 words
From 1,000,000 words to 3,000,000 words:
YL 0.0-0.9 10,000 words
YL 1.0-1.9 40,000 words
YL 2.0-2.9 150,000 words
YL 3.0-3.9 500,000 words
YL 4.0-4.9 1,000,000 words
YL 5.0+ 300,000 words
This table above is not inflexible. Some students might be able to reach a high level more quickly. However,. in our 10 years' experience, if students increase their reading level more quickly than the table recommends, most of them stop reading because they become stressed from reading. We strongly suggest that students gradually raise the level of the books so that they will not become stressed from reading.
The following are the YLs for major graded readers and leveled readers.
SSS YL | Series (Graded Readers) | Word counts |
0.4-0.7 | BBL4-6 (170-320) Building Blocks Library Level 4-6 | 230-600 |
0.6 | FRL1(75) Foundations Reading Library Level 1 | 500-630 |
0.7 | FRL2(100) Foundations Reading Library Level 2 | 640-760 |
0.8 | MMR1(300) Macmillan Readers Starter | 500-760 |
0.8 | FRL3(150) Foundations Reading Library Level 3 | 680-910 |
0.8-0.9 | OBW0(250) Oxford Bookworms Starters | 700-1,500 |
0.8-0.9 | PGR0(200) Penguin Readers Easystarts PER0(200) Pearson Englisht Readers Easystarts |
800-1,000 |
0.8-1.0 | SCE0(300) Scholastic ELT Readers Starter | 860-2,000 |
0.9-1.1 | FRL4/5(200/250) Foundations Reading Library Level 4/5 | 1,200-1,800 |
0.9-1.4 | BBL7-8 (400-550) Building Blocks Library Level 7-8 | 700-2,500 |
1.0 | CER0(250) Cambridge English Readers Starter | 2,000-2,600 |
1.0-1.4 | ODM0(250) Oxford Dominoes Starter/Quick Starters | 1,900-2,100 |
1.0-1.4 | PGR1(300) Penguin Readers Level 1 PER1(300) Pearson Englisht Readers Level 1 |
700-5,000 |
1.1-1.4 | FRL6/7(300/350) Foundations Reading Library Level 6/7 | 2,200-2,900 |
1.2-1.4 | MMR2(600) Macmillan Readers Beginner Originals | 1,600-3,500 |
1.4 | CER1(400) Cambridge English Readers Level 1 | 3,400-4,800 |
1.6-2.2 | MMR2(600) Macmillan Readers Beginner Classics | 4,000-12,000 |
1.8-2.2 | SCE1(400) Scholastic ELT Readers Level 1 | 1,800-6,000 |
2.0-2.4 | OBW1(400) Oxford Bookworms Stage 1 | 4,700-7,300 |
2.2-2.6 | PGR2(600) Penguin Readers Level 2 PER2(600) Pearson English Readers Level 2 |
2,400-11,000 |
2.6-2.8 | OBW2(700) Oxford Bookworms Stage 2 | 5,200-9,100 |
2.6-2.8 | CER2(800) Cambridge English Readers Level 2 | 8,400-10,000 |
2.8-3.2 | SCE2(1000) Scholastic ELT Readers Level 2 | 6,300-11,000 |
2.8-3.2 | MMR3(1100) Macmillan Readers Elementary | 7,600-16,000 |
3.2-3.4 | OBW3(1000) Oxford Bookworms Stage 3 | 7,800-13,000 |
3.2-3.8 | PGR3(1200) Penguin Readers Level 3 PER3(1200) Pearson English Readers Level 3 |
5,100-23,000 |
3.2-3.4 | SCE3(1500) Scholastic ELT Readers Level 3 | 8,500-15,000 |
3.4-3.6 | MMR4(1400) Macmillan Readers Pre-intermediate | 13,000-22,000 |
3.6-3.8 | CER3(1300) Cambridge English Readers Level 3 | 13,000-16,000 |
3.6-4.0 | MMR5(1600) Macmillan Readers Intermediate | 9,400-32,000 |
3.8-4.2 | OBW4(1400) Oxford Bookworms Stage 4 | 13,000-19,000 |
4.0-5.0 | PGR4(1700) Penguin Readers Level 4 PER4(1700) Pearson English Readers Level 4 |
12,000-42,000 |
4.5-5.0 | CER4(1900) Cambridge English Readers Level 4 | 17,000-22,000 |
4.5-5.0 | OBW5(1800) Oxford Bookworms Stage 5 | 18,000-25,000 |
4.5-5.5 | MMR6(2200) Macmillan Readers Upper-intermediate | 12,000-35,000 |
5.0-6.0 | PGR5(2300) Penguin Readers Level 5 PER5(2300) Pearson English Readers Level 5 |
14,000-46,000 |
5.5-6.0 | CER5(2800) Cambridge English Readers Level 5 | 17,000-39,000 |
5.5-6.0 | OBW6(2500) Oxford Bookworms Stage 6 | 21,000-33,000 |
6.0-6.5 | CER6(3800) Cambridge English Readers Level 6 | 26,000-30,000 |
6.0-7.0 | PGR6(3000) Penguin Readers Level 6 PER6(3000) Pearson English Readers Level 6 |
22,000-39,000 |
SSS YL | Series (Leveled Readers and Children's Books) | Word Counts |
0.0-0.2 | ORT1,1+ Oxford Reading Tree Stage 1,1+ | 0-40 |
0.1-0.6 | SCR1 Scholastic Readers Level 1 | 30-470 |
0.2-0.3 | ORT2 Oxford Reading Tree Stage 2 | 20-70 |
0.2-0.3 | SIR1 Step into Reading Step 1 | 50-150 |
0.2-0.6 | RTR0 Ready-to-Read Pre-Level 1 | 30-100 |
0.3-0.4 | ORT3 Oxford Reading Tree Stage 3 | 70-80 |
0.3-0.4 | CTP1 Creative Teaching Press Level 1 | 20-100 |
0.3-0.6 | ICR0 My First I Can Read! | 80-130 |
0.3-0.9 | UFR1-4 Usborne First Reading Level 1-4 | 150-600 |
0.4 | PGK1 Penguin Kids Level 1 | 80-130 |
0.4-0.6 | PER1 Puffin Easy-to-Read Level 1 | 80-450 |
0.4-0.6 | PGY1 Penguin/Puffin Young Readers Level 1 | 80-700 |
0.4-0.5 | ORT4 Oxford Reading Tree Stage 4 | 100-200 |
0.4-0.6 | CTP2 Creative Teaching Press Level 2 | 80-250 |
0.4-0.7 | RTR1 Ready-to-Read Level 1 | 200-600 |
0.4-0.8 | SIR2 Step into Reading Step 2 | 250-350 |
0.5 | ORT5 Oxford Reading Tree Stage 5 | 300-350 |
0.5-0.9 | PCR1-3 Primary Classic Readers Level 1-3 | 500-800 |
0.5-0.7 | Curious George (New) | 340-700 |
0.5-0.8 | AAR1 All Aboard Reading Level 1 | 100-700 |
0.6 | PGK2 Penguin Kids Level 2 | 190-270 |
0.5-0.9 | SCR2 Scholastic Readers Level 2 | 250-500 |
0.5-1.2 | ICR1 I Can Read! Level 1 | 100-1,600 |
0.6-0.7 | ORT6 Oxford Reading Tree Stage 6 | 450-700 |
0.6-0.8 | OCT1 Oxford Classic Tales Level 1 | 430-830 |
0.6-0.9 | Clifford the Big Red Dog | 300-400 |
0.6-1.2 | RTR2 Ready-to-Read Level 2 | 500-900 |
0.6-2.0 | SIR3 Step into Reading Step 3 | 500-1,500 |
0.7-0.8 | ORT7 Oxford Reading Tree Stage 7 | 900-1,000 |
0.7-0.8 | OCT2 Oxford Classic Tales Level 2 | 800-1,000 |
0.7-1.6 | PGY2 Penguin/Puffin Young Readers Level 2 | 500-1.500 |
0.8 | PGK3 Penguin Kids Level 3 | 380-780 |
0.8 | PGR0(200) Penguin Readers Easystarts PER0(200) Pearson Englisht Readers Easystarts |
800-1,000 |
0.9-1.0 | ORT8 Oxford Reading Tree Stage 8 | 900-1,200 |
1.0-1.4 | ORT9 Oxford Reading Tree Stage 9 | 1,200-1,500 |
1.0-1.4 | PGR1(300) Penguin Readers Level 1 PER1(300) Pearson Englisht Readers Level 1 |
700-5,000 |
1.0-1.5 | Curious George (Originals) | 900-2,300 |
1.2 | PGK4 Penguin Kids Level 4 | 950-1200 |
1.2-1.6 | ICR2 I Can Read! Level 2 | 800-2,000 |
1.2-1.6 | Mr. Putter & Tabby | 600-900 |
1.2-1.6 | Ricky Ricotta’s Mighty Robot | 1,000-2,000 |
1.2-1.6 | SCR3 Scholastic Readers Level 3 | 800-2,100 |
1.2-2.0 | PGY3 Penguin/Puffin Young Readers Level 3 | 1,000-3,500 |
1.4-2.5 | Nate the Great | 1,600-2,000 |
1.4-1.8 | RTR3 Ready-to-Read Level 3 | 1,000-2,800 |
1.4-1.8 | UYR1 Usborne Young Reading Series 1 | 1,600-1,800 |
1.4-2.0 | SIR4 Step into Reading Step 4 | 1,300-2,500 |
1.4-2.0 | Flip-Up Fairy Tales | 800-1,000 |
1.6-1.8 | UYR2 Usborne Young Reading Series 2 | 1,600-2,100 |
1.6-1.8 | OTC1 Oxford Time Chronicles Series 1 | 1,900-2,100 |
1.6 | PGK5 Penguin Kids Level 5 | 2,000-2,200 |
1.6-2.0 | ICR3 I Can Read! Level 3 | 1,600-2,100 |
1.6-2.0 | ICR4 I Can Read! Level 4 | 1,600-2,100 |
2.0-2.5 | SCR4 Scholastic Readers Level 4 | 1,000-3,000 |
2.0-2.5 | SIR5 Step into Reading Step 5 | 3,000-4,800 |
2.0-2.5 | Rainbow Magic / Franny K. Stein | 4,000-5,000 |
2.2 | PGK6 Penguin Kids Level 6 | 3,200-3,500 |
2.2-2.6 | PGR2(600) Penguin Readers Level 2 PER2(600) Pearson English Readers Level 2 |
2,400-11,000 |
2.2-3.2 | My Weird School | 6,300-7,600 |
2.5-3.5 | Magic Tree House | 4,700-6,000 |
2.8-4.5 | Captain Underpants / My Father's Dragon | 5,000-7,700 |
3.0-4.0 | Judy Moody / The Secrets of Droon | 7,500-13,000 |
3.2-3.8 | PGR3(1200) Penguin Readers Level 3 PER3(1200) Pearson English Readers Level 3 |
5,400-23,000 |
3.5-4.5 | Geronimo Stilton | 8,800-10,000 |
4.0-5.0 | Room One / Last Holiday Concert | 16,000-23,000 |
4.0-5.0 | PGR4(1700) Penguin Readers Level 4 PER4(1700) Pearson English Readers Level 4 |
12,000-42,000 |
4.5-5.5 | Deltora Quest | 25000-26000 |
5.0-6.0 | PGR5(2300) Penguin Readers Level 5 PER5(2300) Pearson English Readers Level 5 |
14,000-46,000 |
5.0-6.0 | Darren Shan / The Series of Unfortunate Events | 25,000-51,000 |
6.0-7.0 | PGR6(3000) Penguin Readers Level 6 PER6(3000) Pearson English Readers Level 6 |
22,000-34,000 |
6.0-7.5 | Harry Potter | 76,000-260,000 |
6.5-7.5 | A House of Night | 77,000-106,000 |
For the YL for each book, please click here.