Re: NPRについて

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953. Re: NPRについて

お名前: violet
投稿日: 2002/6/5(18:22)


> I quite agree with you and a university student(senior) to invite violet san to give his comment in English to let us see how his English is good to
> hold his statement. I'm in the opinion, too, to invite "a university student(senior) san and you to give your opinion in English to show how good
> yours is, too.

Or I may have got your point wrong. Let me give it to you straight, pal. (Of course, it’s no offence.)
Actually, I have no interest in a kind of race in which English-lovers are often caught up to prove which one is the best commander of English, or in passing evaluation tests such as TOEIC, TOEFL…, whatever you name it. Even hate it, I can say. Once you get into the race, you’ll get to love to run. It’s a rat race. You’d end up getting nowhere at the worst. If you want it, you take it. But I’m NOT gonna be part of it. No, no f○○king way!
So, let’s get back on with the business, shall we? Just give’em out there a good of mix of the tips to get along well with English! Huh?

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954. Correction

お名前: violet
投稿日: 2002/6/5(19:31)


‘and let them get along’would be better rather than ‘to get along’.
Never mind. (Sigh)

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955. Re: NPRについて

お名前: violet
投稿日: 2002/6/6(01:00)


‘good of mix’→‘good mix’(Sigh)



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