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63. [語数] ORT Sparrows and More Sparrows
お名前: Jose
投稿日: 2003/7/26(22:10)
今度は Sparrows と More Sparrows の語数です。
-- Sparrows Stage 3 --
Jan and the Anorak --------- 72
Pip at the Zoo ------------- 69
Joe and the Bike ----------- 84
Midge in Hospital ---------- 87
Roy and the Budgie --------- 74
Jan and the Chocolate ------ 87
-- Sparrows Stage 4 --
Roy at the Fun Park -------- 122
Midge and the Eggs --------- 155
Joe and the Mouse ---------- 138
Pip and the Little Monkey -- 111
-- More Sparrows Stage 4--
Lucky the Goat ------------- 73
Adam's Car ----------------- 64
Yasmin's Dress ------------- 71
Mosque School -------------- 62
Yasmin and the Flood ------- 72
Adam Goes Shopping --------- 61