「A to Z mysteries」の作者からお返事ゲット!

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650. 「A to Z mysteries」の作者からお返事ゲット!

お名前: MOMA親爺
投稿日: 2005/11/11(18:07)


ヤッホー、every one!そしてバナナさん。

「A to Z mysteries」の作者からお返事をもらいましたよ!
Ron Royさんといいます。早かったよー。2時間くらいで返事がきました。


    From: NORYOR@xxx.xxx.com
    Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2005 11:28:15 EST
    Subject: Re: Inquiry From RR Website

     Hello XXXX,

     Thank you for your kind words.
     I am thrilled that your family enjoys my books.
     I would love to visit Japan.
     How can we make that happen?

     Best wishes,

     Ron Roy

Ron Royのホームページ [url:http://www.ronroy.com/] のなかの
[url:http://www.ronroy.com/contact/] に手紙を書いたんです。




   Dear Mr. Roy,

   My daughter and I are very enthusiastic funs outside the USA.
   It is my pleasure to tell you that I completed your A to Z mysteries
   this May. My daughter of 15 years old started to learn English
   3 years ago at junior high school. Both of us feel fine for extensive
   English reading. We have read more than 100 books written in
   English and one of the best authors for us is you, Mr. Ron Roy.
   Her favorites are " Empty Envelope", "Lucky Lottery","School Skelton",
   "X'ed -Out-X-Ray", and "Zombie Zone".
   In particular, when the "Zombie Zone" arrived at my house from
   the USA this May, she quickly found it at the post, took it to
   her room and read it in an hour. Her reading skill has very
   improved since she started extensive reading. It is my pleasure.
   We hope you will continue to write about Josh, Ruth Rose, and Dink.

   You have become so famous in Japan in these two years.
   I wish you would visit Japan in the near future.

   Best wishes,

   Oita , Japan





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