How to cook dekopon peel

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13563. How to cook dekopon peel

お名前: 柊
投稿日: 2023/3/26(11:26)


Hello. I want to write about my favorite recipe of dekopon jam. You can arrange it for any other kankitsu. And it's not exactly marmalade. Only peel.

1. Eat dekopon. Yes. Eat them. After that, put all peel in the freezer. Repeat this step (Not in a day. You don't want to make yourself sick).

2. When you think there are enough peel, let's go!

3. Put a big pot on the stove. Pour a lot of water and freezing peel.

4. Boiled them five minuets after water boiled.(沸騰後、5分茹でます)。

5. Put peel in the water. When peel cooled, slice them as thin as you can. Cut it short enough for easy eating.

6. Again put the peel and water to the pot and boiled two times. ( If peel is still bitter, boil once more or twice.)

7. Take out a scale and weigh the peel. Put the peel in a pan and sugar (about half weight of the peel).

8. Let the sugar melt for 30 minuets or more.

9. When all the sugar turn to liquid, put the pan on the stove. Heat it.

10. Eat it. Enjoy!

This recipe take more time than you think. When I did a few days ago, I took almost an hour for slice all the dekopon peel (5 or 6 dekopons). I'm not a skilled chef, that I admit. Still it takes time. And boiling peel also takes time. All the process takes more than 3 hours. That said, dekopon jam is good thing. Especially, with yogurt.


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