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お名前: こるも
投稿日: 2008/12/17(13:45)
European hare が、3月くらいになると殴る蹴るの大げんかを始めるところからついたようです。
(Hare boxingとか、言うらしい)
Mad March hare behaviour is not, as many people think, fighting males. In fact it's a battle of the sexes - an unreceptive female showing a male she doesn't want to mate with him.
Actually it's more like kick boxing, because they use their feet as well as their fists. And because she weighs more than the males (3.7kg versus 3.3kg), the males usually quickly throw in the towel.
[url:http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2008/jun/07/brown.hare ]より参照