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1329. ファンレター、出しちゃいました(*^_^*)

お名前: ナビィ
投稿日: 2006/1/3(19:35)


 こんにちは、ナビィです。今、The Gun Lake Adventure シリーズの第6巻を読んでいるところですが、このシリーズを読めば読むほど、何としても邦訳版を出したいという気持ちが強くなっています。
 最初は、著者が設立した Alternatives in Motion のホームページからメールを送ろうとしたのですが、なぜかうまくいかず、どうしようかなぁと思いながらネットで検索していたら、彼を応援していると思われる人物のホームページをみつけて、その人のところへメールを送りました。うまく届きますように!

Dear Mr.Scott Wolfman

I'm XXXXX, a fan of "The Gun Lake Adventure Series" written by Mr.Johnnie Tuitel.
I was very impressed by his books. So I tried to send him message through website of Alternatives in Motion. But I don't know why, I can't send them E-mail. Then I found your website.
Would you do me a kindness? Please, please send my message to Mr.Johnnie Tuitel.

This is my message as follows.

Dear Mr.Johnnie Tuitel

Hello and A Happy New Year!

I’m XXXXX. I’m 44 years old. I live in Tokyo, Japan. I have read books in English since March 2005. Then I found out your books, The Gun Lake Adventure Series. I’m not very good at English. But I was very very impressed by your books, so I eager to send you my message for you possibly.

I found out your books from a magazine. The article was written by one of SSS members. (Oh, “SSS” is short for “start with simple stories.” This is one of the methods to read English books for Japanese learners of English.) She commented about your book, ”The Barn at Gun Lake”, as follows. “The author, who has CP himself, writes joys, sadness, and mortification what main character Johnnie feels. It speaks for feelings that people with disabilities have. I really feel the need to society that everyone with disability can live more easily.”
When I read this comment, I imagined my friend who has CP. She and I have had friendship for 26 years. She lives in Osaka, and I had lived in Osaka until 6 years ago. For 20 years, I had attended her. Then I moved to Tokyo with my job. But when I go to Osaka, I go to meet her sometimes.

 Your books include many things that I had felt with her. Your “The Gun Lake Adventure Series” books are very exciting and tell us many things!
 For people with disabilities and parents who have children with disabilities, your books give them hope and courage. ‘Hope’ means that they don’t need to give up anything. ‘Courage’ means that they can challenge everything they want to do.
 For people without disabilities, your books give them surprise and companionship. ‘Surprise’ means that they find out many possibilities that people with disabilities have. ‘Companionship’ means that they can keep companies and have friendships with people with disabilities more casually.

 I hope to introduce your books to many children and grownups. But unfortunately, your books are not published in Japanese. So I determined to publish your books in Japanese. And I have been managing to contact with publisher. Don’t you mind? Please, please say “No!”

 And would you do me a kindness? If you send me your message, I hope to introduce your message at SSS homepage. SSS members read many English books. So if I show them your message and how wonderful your books are, I think some of them will be sure to read your books and introduce your books to their friends.

 Thank you for reading my message. I wish God bless you and your family!




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