Re: retold版の Poison - 原作から削られている一文 -

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745. Re: retold版の Poison - 原作から削られている一文 -

お名前: 成雄
投稿日: 2006/7/11(01:45)


亀レスで失礼しますが、Poison の原作と、PGR5 retold 版の両方(どちらも未読でした)を、


 夜中に家に帰ってきた Timber (= I ) は
同居している Harry がベッドに横たわっているのを見つけました。そして、

--- PGR5 (ISBN : 0582419433) 86ページ、下から10行目から -----

 "What's the matter, Harry?"
 "Sshh!" he whispered. "Ssshhh! Don't make a noise. Take your shoes off before you come nearer. Please do as I say, Timber."
 I couldn't understand what he was talking about, but I thought that if he was as ill as he sounded, I'd better try to please him. I bent down and took off my shoes and left them in the middle of the floor. Then I went over to his bed.
--- 同じ箇所の Dahl の元本 ( Someone Like You / ISBN:0140030743) 117ページから -----

 "What's the matter, Harry?"
 "Sshhh!" he whispered. "Sshhh! For God's sake don't make a noise. Take your shoes off before you come nearer. Please do as I say, Timber."
 The way he was speaking reminded me of George Barling after he got shot in the stomach when he stood leaning against a crate containing a spare aeroplane engine, holding both hands on his stomach and saying things about the German pilot in just the same hoarse straining half whisper Harry was using now.
 "Quickly, Timber, but take your shoes off first."
 I couldn't understand about taking off the shoes but I figured that if he was as ill as he sounded I'd better humour him, so I bent down and removed the shoes and left them in the middle of the floor. Then I went over to his bed.
Timber のこの過去が、彼の属性を読者に知らしめ、
『 Harry って、現ブッシュ大統領のことか?』



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