ばんざーい! 100万語

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[報告] 5065. ばんざーい! 100万語

お名前: タドキストCathy
投稿日: 2005/6/1(20:45)


Hello ! I'm Cathy.
Nice to meet you!
I tried to write this report in English.

I've made it !!
At last I read the one millionth word !
The book, the 311th, was " Fantastic Mr Fox", by Roald Dahl.
I took 1 year.
I started by reading..... no.....looking at books which have only pictures for a million words reading.
And then I read picture books with some lines or sentences.
I think picture books were great.
If I didn't understand a word, there was a picture, then I could guess the word's meaning.
I thought that starting from picture books, I could learn English step by step.
The SSS Extensive Reading Method has 3 rules.
1. Don't check dictionaries.
2. Skip the parts that you don't understand.
3. Quit reading the books that you don't have any interest in.
Don't check...!?
I always checked a dictionary if I had a word I didn't understand.
At first I wanted to check it.
I need to raise my courage.
But I got used to not checking it.
Now I can often guess the word's meaning.
And then I was really into reading books.
I was really glad that I discovered the SSS Extensive Reading Method.
I started to understand English vaguely by reading a lot of English sentences.
I was really glad that I could read books happily.
I didn't think I could read so many books.
I was very glad when I read one million words.
At the beginning one million words was my goal, but now I think ...
I'll shoot for 10,000,000 now.
I'll read more and more for 2 million, 3 million....etc.
Reading books is a lot of fun.


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