[世界史club] Zhang版 三国志(その2) 黄巾軍蜂起と追捕軍派遣

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295. [世界史club] Zhang版 三国志(その2) 黄巾軍蜂起と追捕軍派遣

お名前: derfel
投稿日: 2004/9/12(13:36)



 まず1回目の中の訂正。"Jia Ji"と書いたのは間違いで、"Jia Zi"が正しいスペリングでした。



The story of three kingdoms

Chapter 1. In Peach Orchard, Three heroes became brothers.
     Defeating the Rebels was ther first achievement.

 Everyone in the eight provinces, Qing(青),You(幽),Xu(徐),Ji(冀),Jing(荊),Yang(楊),Yan(兌), and Yu(予), all revered the name Zhang Jiao(張角). Jiao sent his student Ma Yuanyi(馬元義) to enuch(宦官) Feng Xu(???), bribed(賄賂を送る) him and asked him as an inside connection.

 Jiao told his two brothers, "The most difficult is to get the support of the people. Now we have the support of the people, it would be a pity if we did not take over China." Then they started to make yellow flags and prepared for an uprising(蜂起). They sent another student, Zhou Tang(周旦/唐?), to tell eunuch Feng Xu about the uprising.

 Zhou Tang went to the goverment instead, and told of the plans of rebellion(反乱). Emperor askded General He Jin(何進) to bring in troops(兵士の一隊). They first arrested(逮捕) and executed(処刑) Ma Yuanyi, then arrested Feng Xu and associated(関連した) people.

 Zhang Jiao learned that the plan was exposed(発覚), started the uprising immediately. People from everywhere came, with yellow scarves on their head, numbered more than four hundred thousand. The rebells were so powerful that the government troops surrendered(降参) as soon as they see the rebels.

 General He Jin immediately ordered the provinces gather the troops and put down(制圧) the rebellion. He also send three generals, Lu Zhi(廬植), Huangpu Song(皇甫崇), and Zhu Jie(Jei? 朱雋), to head three armies fighting the rebels.

(To be continued. 多分。ああ、それから、次回、劉備がやっと登場)

(1) 人名・地名の表記について

*1: [url:http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/eigohasshin/diary/]



  Wade式=Chang Fei
  Pinyin式=Zhang Fei

(2) 英訳版三国志について


では、See you at next issue.(maybe)


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