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1591. 世界史クラブ:漢詩の著者名を英語から当てよう!

お名前: 柊
投稿日: 2020/1/5(11:04)



さて、昨年Qiu XiaolongのWhen Red is Blackを読んでいたらこんな場面がありました。




以下、More Translations from the Chinese
英訳Arthur Waleyです。日本語では観刈麦(の歌)というようです。


Tillers of the soil have few idle months;
In the fifth month their toil is double-fold.
A south-wind visits the fields at night:
Suddenly the hill is covered with yellow corn.
Wives and daughters shoulder baskets of rice;
Youths and boys carry the flasks of wine.
Following after they bring a wage of meat,
To the strong reapers toiling on the southern hill,
Whose feet are burned by the hot earth they tread,
Whose backs are scorched by flames of the shining sky.
Tired they toil, caring nothing for the heat,
Grudging the shortness of the long summer day.
A poor woman follows at the reapers’ side
With an infant child carried close at her breast.
With her right hand she gleans the fallen grain;
On her left arm a broken basket hangs.
And _I_ to-day ... by virtue of what right
Have I never once tended field or tree?
My government-pay is three hundred tons;
At the year’s end I have still grain in hand.
Thinking of this, secretly I grew ashamed;
And all day the thought lingered in my head.


Project Gutenberg他で無料で入手できるこの英語の詩集ですが、人名が古い書き方なので、かなりの部分、誰が誰だかわかりません。古い綴りで検索をかけても、Wikipediaでもグーグルでも関係ない人がかかるばかりのことも……。


対象詩集は以下(すでに数が増えている)。いずれもProject Gutenbergで見つけました。

A Hundred and Seventy Chinese Poems 英訳Arthur Waley
More Translations from the Chinese 英訳Arthur Waley
Fir-Flower Tablets 英訳Florence Ayscough, Amy Lowell
Chinese Poems 英訳Charles Budd
A Lute of Jade 英訳 L. Cranmer-Byng
The Jade Flute 英訳・不明




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