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お名前: リボンちゃん
投稿日: 2003/12/21(19:01)
Stage 6 は7に比べて易しかったけど、
Stage 7 は、すごく難しいです。
今日は、「The Joke Machine」をお母さんに読んでもらいました。
だけど、Stage1の お話作りは楽しいです。
「A Good Trick」
Biff and Chip had a show.
They had a rug.
Chip pulled up!
They had a white sheet.
Biff pulled up!
There was a big box, and Biff and Chip pulled up the big box.
They had a little box and they opened the box.
Inside a box, There was a Kipper.
「The Haircut」
Daddy brushed Kipper's hair.
Kipper's hair is too long and they went haircut.
Kipper is happy.
A woman and a man washed Kipper's and Daddy's hair.
They cut the hair.
Kipper is happy but Dad doesn't like haircut.
They finished so they went home.
Inside the house, Mom had a big surprise!
(代理投稿 emmie)