Job openings for part-time instructors

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12. Job openings for part-time instructors

お名前: 古川@SSS
投稿日: 2006/10/20(20:57)


SEGでは、多読+OC クラスの講師(多読パート、OC Part)

SEG has openings for part-time instructors in (A) Extenisve Reading
and (B) Oral Communication program for the 2007 academic year.

(A) 多読担当の方

(1) 300万語以上多読していて、
   英米児童書・Leveled Readers・Graded Readers
(2) 英語教育・英文学の学士号以上を有する方
(3) 必要があれば全て英語で授業ができる方
(4) 英語の教職経験が2年以上ある方
(5) 英語母語話者の場合は、ある程度の日本語能力があること
(6) 金曜日の 5:15-8:15 または 土曜日の 5:30-8:30 に授業可能な方


〒160-0023 新宿区西新宿7−19−19
SEG多読コース 古川昭夫
e-mail: jinjiあっと
Phone: 03-3366-1635

(A) Job openings for part-time instructors (Extensive Reading)

SEG has openings for part-time instructors in Extenisve Reading
program for the 2007 academic year.
For this reason we are looking for people who
are interested in applying for these potential positions.

Requirements are as follows:
(1) Ability to conduct lessons through Extensive Reading
(2) Some certificate in TESOL and/or related areas
(3) Ability to conduct lessons only in English if necessary
(4) Preferably experience of teaching English at the middle school level
(5) Sufficient level of the Japanese language proficiency, if a native
speaker of English
(6) Availabilty to teach one day a week;
Friday 5:15- 8:15 or Saturday 5:30-8:30

If you are interested, please send your curriculum vitae by e-mail
attachment or by regular mail to the following address.

〒160-0023 1-19-19, Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinuku-ku, Tokyo
e-mail: jinjiあっと
Phone: 03-3366-1635

(B) Job openings for part-time instructors (Oral Communication)

SEG has openings for part-time instructors in Oral Communication
program for the 2007 academic year.

For this reason we are looking for people who
are interested in applying for these potential positions.

Requirements are as follows:
(1) Ability to conduct lessons only in English
(2) Some certificate in TESOL and/or related areas
(3) Preferably experience of teaching English at the middle
school level and teaching English through Extensive Reading
(4) Availabilty to teach one day a week;
Wednesday 5:15- 8:15。
If you are interested, please send your curriculum vitae by e-mail
attachment or by regular mail to the following address.

〒160-0023 1-19-19, Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinuku-ku, Tokyo
e-mail: jinjiあっと
Phone: 03-3366-1635


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