Re: おはなみさん、ほかのみなさんへ

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9209. Re: おはなみさん、ほかのみなさんへ

お名前: おはなみ
投稿日: 2007/9/1(16:04)


Okay Everybody.
I hate to tell you but I must say goodbye.

- I feel the BBS are too many and the rule are too complicated to me.
"First you write in the 'How do you do' board ..."
"Then you take care to write nothing but the number reporting in the 'number reporting' board ..."
"Use the English board when you speak English ..."
or anything like that.
I'm too fool to use so many boards at the same time.

- I tried to use mixi but I failed.
But it was too complecated with the concept.
As you say, some are good at English but the others are not.
So you see, some are good at Computer but the others are not.
I hoped you take care of me who is not good at computer like you.
I'm afraid you have the double standard.

- I feel you seem quite unfriendly to say
"If you want to write a diary, launch your own blog!"
"Or else to save it in your local Excel and enjoy it on your own"
I propose you to share the diary in the board.
I wrote my impression,
and I want to hear the other's impression to my topic
and the other's impression who read the book.
I wrote my questions as well.
I wanted someone to kindly tell me the answer.
Is this the wrong thing?

- You are pointing me that
I don't respect any other users and just speak to yourself
but this is quite far from the reality.
I can never accept this claim.
As you see, I love your comment and I replied each of them
with as much care as I can.
I feel so sad if you cannot see what I meant.

- I wonder why can you be so sure
"This BBS is for XXX purpose"
"To learn English you have to do XXX"
and order to the others.
Just leave as they are enjoying theirselves!
I'm quite sure that enjoying is the highest priority.

- I wonder why you keep asking me
'You have to care the beginners'
What beginners?
I'm one of the begineers that I started reading 5 days ago!
I hoped you care me before you ask me.
I'm afraid you have double standard again.

I heard the story;
An american girl who could play baseball well
came Japan and entered a Japanese University and its baseball club.
She tried to be a good teammate but she couldn't.
She left the university and the team with sadness.
She left the word;
"In Japanese baseball team, there are only hierachy between
the elders and the juniors. They don't have the friendship."

I don't like to tell you but I'm afraid that you are so Japanese.
You take much priority;
- the old order in your village
- the strict rules
- the elder's word
and to keep your precious things,
you are not afraid to ruin
some junior's willingness and hope and joy
who had just started learning,
knowing few rules,
just happy and willing to read and be a friend of you.

Today, I tried to start reading a new book
but the sadness came to me and I could not keep reading.
I hope I could forget about the board
with the elders too strict for me
and start my reading again all alone.

So feel ease,
this rude junior will go away and the village will be safe again.

In the end,
I want to say thank you to all who read my articles
and gave me some comment.
I hope you believe that I thank you from the deep in my heart.
Happy reading !

(The End Of The Topic)



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