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[報告] 9200. 語研「VOA英語ニュースリスニング初挑戦」Completed

お名前: おはなみ
投稿日: 2007/8/31(10:53)


Good morning.
Sorry to write such many topics.

Besides the SSS with Yohhan Ladder series,
I had been trying this other material.
This include 1 CD and 1 book.

The CD contains many 1 minute news.
3 news for a day, for 5 days a week, for 4 weeks.
So it contans 3 x 5 x 4 = 60 news.
You are planned to hear the 60 news for a month.

The book contains key words glossary,
the easy quizes,
transscript with some "Holes" to fill in for your dectation exercise,
perfect transscript, and the translation.

The news are read in "Special English".
The vacabrary is limitted to 1500 words,
and announces read the news quite slowly, about 100 words per minute.

This morning, I finished listening the CD and fill all the quizes and holes.
I also became that I could do the shadowing.

For the first week, it was hard for me.
It must be in Easy English, but it was hard enough for me.
But when I tried repeat listening one news for 10 time and more
doing something others, then suddenly the English can be heard.
I don't know why.
There is something to do with something deep in my brain.

Shadowing is FUN!
I always do it walking up and down
the emergency stairs of the building where my office is in ;)
Rarely somedoby happened to see me speaking something in English
on my own and he got shocked, but who cares! ;)

It's quite easy English, but it made my English improved!
One month ago, the meeting with English speaking bosses was
quite hard time for me.
But now it's ... not only fun, but it's a challenging adventure ! ;)

I try to jump in the conversation and try to make a query.
When I make sense, they laugh warmly.
I hope they are enjoying my English improvement as well as me! ;)

Now I got the strong Idea.
The best thing is that will make you feel good.
You must enjoy yourself when you train yourself.
If you feel bad, you can hardly remember what you learned.

They say you don't have to purchase VOA Special English materials
because you can download from the net.
But I recommend this CD to you still.
Because it's easy.
The 1 minute news are selected with the key terms glossary.
I don't want to take time to download the 30 minutes news from the net.
It's too much for me for now.
Now I'm busy with SSS!

Just one bad thing for the material is that
the news included in the CD are basically sad ones
about wars, terrorism, disaster, disease, and polution ...
But it might not be the failuer of the editor.
The world is wrong.

Today I purchased the next step's material;
I'm looking forward to the next 4 weeks !


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