Re: The Bottle Imp: 5450 words: 25690 words in total

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[喜] 9199. Re: The Bottle Imp: 5450 words: 25690 words in total

お名前: まりあ@SSS
投稿日: 2007/8/31(01:46)



〉Nice to see you, Maria!

   Nice to see you, too, おはなみさん("-")

〉First of all, thank you very much for your reply and advice.

   I'm afraid beeing offensive to you....

〉Let me explain.
〉As well as you, I think I do know how it is important
〉not to think Japanese when reading English.
〉So I do;
〉 1) read English firstly
〉 2) when I met some good / funny / difficult sentences,
〉 JUST DRAW LINE under it
〉 3) when I come home, JUST WRITE DOWN the sentences
〉 4) I added translate just for fun
〉I try to keep my English brain while I'm in phase (1)~(3),
〉and I launch my Translate brain just in phase 4).
〉And as you know, I translate only less than 1% of the entire book.
〉Do you still worry that my translation habit avoids me learning English?

   Now I know your intention, so I never worry about YOU!
But would you please mind this BBS is "for beginners" 
who'd like to learn English by extensive reading.

〉(In addition, in the actual business scene,
〉 your English ability will be evaluated
〉 how you can translate / interpret well, you know...)

You must be right, so please do whatever you want,
and care for beginners here.
I couldn't appreciate your showing off Japanese
translation at this BBS.
I hope you'd find better place for your needs.

Happy Reading!

〉Anyway, I agree with you strongly
〉that the English brain is quite important for the learners.
〉So I start to write this record in English.
〉I want you to reply me in English if you would like.
〉It would be our good lesson ;)

〉Thank you very much again !



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