The Bottle Imp: 5450 words: 25690 words in total

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[報告] 9195. The Bottle Imp: 5450 words: 25690 words in total

お名前: おはなみ
投稿日: 2007/8/30(21:35)


And on the way home, I read the other book.
Tomorrow I have to refill the book!
This is a happy problem ;)

The fourth book was titled as The Bottle Imp,
written by Stevenson, who wrote Treasure Island.

The Bottle Imp was a dark fantasy.
The story like 藤子不二夫(A) used to write ;)
It goes like this;
1) a common man happened to see something evil
2) he got the great power
3) he took everything he want with the power
4) but there were some rules with the power ...

I love this kind of story, though I feel some horror! ;)

I had read it very soon.
It was written in the beautiful English.

Now my ranking is as follows;
1) The Fjord Murder
2) The Bottle Imp
3) The Great Stone Face
4) All 4 Love

A big suggestion from me who will buy Yohhan Ladder series...
Or else you will lose your fun of reading to find the silly digest on the back.
Don't read the people introduction at the beginning of the book, too.

I will seperate the sentences in my mind in the other topic.
That is to prevent to remove your fun before reading ;)

(the end)


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