Re: 【報告】第3回上野国際こども図書館ツアーオフ ありがとう!

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6310. Re: 【報告】第3回上野国際こども図書館ツアーオフ ありがとう!

お名前: 久子
投稿日: 2005/2/15(21:24)


みなさん こんばんは 久子です。

上野子ども図書館オフ とても楽しかったです。
幹事のみなさま どうもありがとうございます。

多くの人と行くと また違った楽しみがあるのだなー と思いました。
絵本に興味のある方も、無い方も 機会があったら参加されると

さて、初めての参加ということで 行き当たりばったり か コバンザメ
思いがけない発見がありました。 鉛筆と紙を忘れてたので、PDAに

下のほうに つけちゃいます。興味のある方だけご覧ください。

ひろ@さ〜ん 例の音 気がついていましたよぉ〜

一部有名な本、適当なコメントが浮かばなかった本は タイトルのみです。

The water hole
greame base
lsbn:08194568 120words
1 to 10
hidden pictures
water hole is getting smaller....
so good. i wont this. Today's best book.

happy birthday dear duck
eve bunting
isbn: 0899195415 500words
present for duck who lived a dry country is beach goods.
what can duck do .

robert j. blake
lsbn: 0399233210 100words
the falcon lived city.
he is a child biginning to fly alone then he lost but finaly get back to home with family

we hide , you seek
jose aruego and ariane dewey
isbn:0688842011 30words
hidden pictures animals hide and seek

dinosaur hunter
elaine marie alphin
lsbn: 0060283041 1500words
rounch boy found triceeatops fassil
weicked dinosaur huner would tricked him but he tricked hunter.
the fassil is sold for real honest hunter

puss in cowboy boots
jan and phil huling
lsbn: 0689831196

duck on a bike
david shannon
isbn: 0439050235
riding bike is a lot of fun
to animals

the rain come down
david shannon
isbn: 0439050219
beginning rain everything gets chainge and getting worse. but then stop the rain and appear rainbow . rainbow makes people happy. sunshine too.

imagin you are a crocodile
karen wallace mike bostock
isbn: 0340634367 300words
femail crocodile she catchs some food. hatch a children.
lazy slowly but sometime quick.

rosemary wells
lsbn: 7868039659
yoko is a cat. she likes sushi very much. one day she bought sushi for lunch in school. everyone laughed at her. teacher planed international foods day......

dear ichiro
jean davies okimoto
lsbn: 1570613737
oriver and henry fight each other.
then henrys grandpa get him to mariners game. ichiro and kaz are grate players. but sixty years ago theie country japan was a enemy for grandpa. now isnt. you shuld be oliver a friend again. he said.

play time
pippa goodhart
isbn: 0749627174
little children gose to ones friend house to to play alone first time.
shyness then happy time.

peter sis
isbn: 0374399697
her teeth wiggles. she go around the world. picture is good . a bit of another laugridge.

Fed Up!: A Feast of Frazzled Foods
rex barron
isbn: 0399234500
wonderful vegetables and flutes rhymne.

amezing and incredible counting stories
max grover
isbn: 0152000909
1 to 25 75 100



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