Re: At my shool...

[掲示板: 〈Past log〉Chat with SSS friends in English -- 最新メッセージID: 1207 // 時刻: 2024/9/29(08:03)]

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525. Re: At my shool...

お名前: ako
投稿日: 2004/11/24(20:16)


Hello, Sukesaya-mama san, this is ako.
I have read your massage"At my school" the other day.
But I couldn't write any English reply.
Because it is English..........(^^;;;

I am late for replying here.
You may not see this message, I know.
No problem.
Today I feel like writing English.

〉Call me SukeMa.

OK, Hello, SukeMa!
Long time no see
?? (Maybe not so long time)

〉(Please don't ask me what subject I teach!(^^;))

I will never ask you about this !!(^^)

〉Now we are enjoying talking about English books in Teacher's room.
〉I am very happy to be able to do that!

Here ! I envy you, SukeMa-san !

〉(Actually, 4(including me) of the 8 English teachers at our school
〉are now enjoying TADOKU!)

Half of them ! Wonderful !
Anyone can come to this BBS ?

And thank you for your writing about your own topic.
About your School library,
About your favorite book....
These are very good for me to read.
Different from the English books I usualy read.
Fresh ! (I dont know I can say this emotion by saiyng "fresh".
Maybe it is wrong....sorry)

How exiciting I could know the daily topics of SSS friend through English.
You inspired me a lot!
Thank you !



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