Re: little thing

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511. Re: little thing

お名前: ako
投稿日: 2004/11/13(12:19)


〉Hi! I'm Dug.

Hello, Dug, I'm ako.

〉Today, I saw the little girl when I went to college on the way.

Oh, what an interesting beginning you wrote !
I can feel something exiting will happen.....
OK, I keep on reading.......

〉She was riding on the bicycle and I was driving my car.
〉I thought she would go across the road. I stopped my car. But she stopped, too. And she started swinging her right arm.
〉"What she is doing?" I thought.
〉Soon I understand. It means you go first.

I see, too. Yes.

〉This thing made me feel so happy.
〉Then, I raised my left hand (it means thank you for waiting), and I passed in front of her.
〉Recently there were a lot of sad things about children. But I could see little good thing about children.

Yes, you are right. There are a lot of sad affairs these days.
Especially,,,,,,,,,No, I should stop talking such kind of thing.

Thank you for this heart-warming story.
I could also feel happy with this story.

See you again, and I wait for your another message.
Thank you.



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