Re: Japanese genius boy

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297. Re: Japanese genius boy

お名前: モーリン
投稿日: 2004/3/31(02:15)


Hi, ako-san. This is Moring.
Thank you for replying my writing.

〉Actually... I don't know where I should write about 先日の3次会のお礼。
〉Allow me to say thank you here.
Oh, I also want to say thank you to you and Okinaya-san.
I had good time with you two. I enjoyed talking very much. So I missed last train though.

〉Though we are still beginner, you were so kind to tell us about your experience in America.
〉I am really impressed your story in the US.
〉It must have been so exiting !
Thank you very much. And if you spent a time, would you read my writing about that on this board?
(Here is link [url:kb:168].)

〉Sounds very impressive.
〉I think this Tadoku board of SSS is like so.
〉Every one gives nice words. Full of kind, heart-warming message !
I trust you this. They (we?) are very kind, and care new comers.
Because we know this TADOKU-reading is vest way of learning language.

〉〉I think the real life is more fantastic than fiction.
〉〉Don't you think so?
〉I agree !
〉My early Tadoxist-life, too !
Oh yes! Absolutely true.
(I like this spelling of "Tadoxist".)

Happy Reading, Ako!



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