Re: Anyone? At SHINJUKU on March 27th

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286. Re: Anyone? At SHINJUKU on March 27th

お名前: ako
投稿日: 2004/3/6(01:44)


〉Hi, this is Suzune.

Oh, SUZUNE saaaaaaaaan, this is ako,
one of the beginners of SSS !
The other day, you gave me a very, very, kind and warm reply
at the beginner's HIROBA.
I'd like to say, thank you again !

Today, a friend of mine, named Makoppe, who is also a beginner of SSS, gave me an information that you come to SHINJUKU this month!

And now, I have already read your article(?投稿の意味のつもりで) in the beginners' HIROBA in Japanese!
Thank you!
I really appreciate that you say "kini site nai".
What a relieeeeef !!

〉I'm going to Tokyo on March 27th.
〉I'm free at night. Umh, probably 19:00 - 22:00.
〉Is anybody chatting or drinking with me at Shinjuku?
〉I'd like to see reading-English-members.

WOW !! What a wonderful opportunity!

〉I'm not good at Shinjuku. I don't know good restrants or anything.
〉I'm just an INAKAMONO..... sigh.
〉If you know any good restrants , please tell me.

Oh,,,,,, What a coincidence!!
あたしwhat a what a ばかり言って騒いでますね〜〜

びこーず I am familiar with SHINJUKU.
You can count on me!
Actually I've just joined off-meeting (drinking) of TADOKISTs people at SHINJUKU last Wednesday!
That was the first time for me to join it !
Wow,,, nan to iu guuzen tuzuki.....

What should I do? What should I do?????

Anyway, from now, I try to adjust my schedule.
and after that, I will write to you, soon.
Please wait !

from happy ako !



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