My memory of Virginia - Thinking after reading Pocahontas

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168. My memory of Virginia - Thinking after reading Pocahontas

お名前: モーリン
投稿日: 2003/8/12(04:23)


Hi, this is Moring.
I just finished to read Pocahontas of OBW1.
This is a beautiful story and also a sad story, isn't it?
But for me, this is a interesting story, because a stage of the story is Virginia.

I love the state of Virginia.
I had been Virginia five yeas ago. The city name I lived is Virginia Beach.
I stayed there for seven months and two weeks, and went to a massage school.
My class was small. It had only 12 students And all students except me
were American. Ofcause every lecture went on in English and normal speed.
In those days my English was very poor. Then I could understand only 10%
in a lecture. But all of my class mates are very kind and they helped me.
Then I passed all important tests.

Enery week day I went to school, but saturday and sunday were off.
And on every weekend I went to beach or riverside by my bike (a bike mean
a bycycle) with my friends. My best friend is Bob. He was 45 and older
than me about three years. He came from Massachusett (sorry, I don't know
exact spell) for school. And he lived country around the city, it 40 minutes
far by car from school. The place name is Pongo. Pongo is a indian name.
Also many places around the place he lived have Indian name.
Many times I visited his house. He brong my bike with his track.
And we gave massage each other. After that we enjoyed bike riding two or
three hours. That place was good country. There were fields. There were trees.
There were mountains. There were rivers. And there were fresh air.

Reading Pocahontas was remembered me this bike riding.

Thank you for reading.
See you.


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