Re: Of mice and men by Steinbeck

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125. Re: Of mice and men by Steinbeck

お名前: Kian
投稿日: 2003/3/7(13:20)


Hi, everyone and Genkotsu-san! Kian is speaking.
And excuse me, but I am going to tell you the final scene of "Of mice and men", so if you don't want to know it, please don't read the following.

〉Finally I read "Of mice and men(GR)".
〉I expected the story is happy one, though.
〉It was very serious.

Oh, I am sorry, but I did not tell you that it was a very serious story.

〉I don't know what the author want us to know.
〉The more I think, the deeply it get mysteriou for me.
〉I can't be calm until I read orijinal one or I watch movie.
〉Does Kian-san make sense?

I am not sure what the author wanted us to know, but the love between Lennie and George moved me so much.
George killed Lennie because he loved Lennie, I think.
If he didn't kill Lennie, one of the other men would kill Lennie, and George was sure that.
If one of the other men killed Lennie, he trembled with fear and George couldn't stand that.
Lennie didn't notice at all that George was going to kill him.
That was all George could do, I think.

It was the age of the Great Depression, I think.
They worked very hard but they couldn't earn enough money.
Life was difficult for many people, Steinbeck wanted us to know that perhaps, I wonder.

Anyway I understand how you feel.
I remember the movie was too sad to think about "Of mice and men" soon after I watched it.
But after I calmed dowm I wanted to read the book.
So I think it moves us slowly, don't you think so?

〉By the way, I went and lent VIDEO "Great Expectations" and
〉"Oliver Twitst" but haven't still watch.
〉I am going to write the impression after waching.

Oh, I am very looking forward to hearing from you so much!


Bye for now!



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