[掲示板: 〈Past log〉Chat with SSS friends in English -- 最新メッセージID: 1207 // 時刻: 2024/11/25(08:36)]
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お名前: SSS学習法研究会 マリコ
投稿日: 2003/1/10(21:38)
Hello everyone!
I am Mariko@SSS.
You know there go votes for the best book in 2002 on the board.
Now I am writing this to advertise for volunteer to tally up the results.
I examined the board and found over 100 votes which included many various titles for candidates on each
I would like someone to tally up so that we can chose the best book.
If there are many titles which have almost same number of votes
we can make the second ballot among the top 5.
Is there anyone to be a volunteer ?
Thank you
Mariko Kawate