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14320. Emil and the Detectives
お名前: 秋男
投稿日: 2003/5/16(23:41)
〉〉 Emil and the Detectives
〉〉 原作も読んだが、あらためて、うまくできたGRだと思った。
〉Emil and the Detectives,,,これを原作で読まれたんですか〜?
"Now, then, Emil," Mrs Tischbein said, "just carry in that jug of
hot water for me, will you." She picked up one jug and a little
blue bowl of liquid camomile shampoo, and hurried out of the kitchen
into the front room. Emil took his jug and followed her.
There was a woman sitting there with her head bent over a white
wash-basin. Her long fair hair was loose and hung down like three
hanks of wool over her face so that Emil could not see who it was.
His mother poured the shampoo over the woman's head, and asked,
"Is that too hot?"
"No, that's all right," came the reply, and Mrs Tischbein rubbed
it in until it made a foamy white mop all over the customer's head.